Current Students

James River College Student Portal

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Current Student Forms

Time Off Request Form

  • If students are going to be out of town over a Sunday or a Wednesday service, they are required to fill out the Time-Off Request Form two weeks prior to the date they are requesting off. If a request does not extend over a Sunday or a Wednesday, students will still be required to fill out a form 72 hours prior to the date they are requesting to leave. James River College will not honor any time-off requests that fall on dates of events that the student body is required to serve. Students who choose to stay off-campus with family or close friends, who live in the area, must first notify and receive permission from their RA and/or RA on-call in advance. They do NOT need a time-off request. James River College has the right to deny a time-off request.
  • Date's Requesting Off

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :
  • You will receive an email confirmation when your request has been successfully submitted.

Maintenance Request Form

Guest Request Form

  • The James River College office must approve all guests who stay in James River College housing. The James River College student who the guest will be staying with must submit Guest Request Form for approval a week in advance of their guests expected arrival. Children and parents are not permitted to stay in James River College housing. James River College has the right to remove any guests who do not abide by the James River College and Embassy policies.
  • Guest's relationship to you.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :

RA Application

College Resident Application





Incoming Student Forms


Background Screening

Complete the James River Church Volunteer Background Screening here.

Covenant Form

  • While enrolled at James River College, each student is expected to observe certain ideals and standards of conduct, whether he or she is on campus or away including all breaks, James River College reserves the right to require the withdrawal of a student because of low standards of scholarship, because of poor physical or mental health, or because of their conflict of their attitudes and standards of behavior with those which the college seeks to maintain. A student who does not fit with the aims, ideals, or beliefs of the college may be asked to withdraw whenever the general welfare demands it, even though there may be no specific breach of conduct. Refusal to conform to rules and regulations of the college may result in dismissal without refund of tuition or housing. The college reserves the right to use its discretion in interpretation and enforcement of all ideals and standards of conduct, however communicated. By signing this document, I agree to abide by the following: James River College Covenant(p. 9-10), Attendance Policy(p.11-13), Housing Policy(p. 14-20, and Financial Obligations (p.21). I also understand that if I chose to not meet the requirements listed above, my dismissal could be the consequence. HIPAA
  • By providing my electronic signature here, I agree to accept all of the above terms.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

Policy Handbook

Click here to download our Policy Handbook.

Missions Trip Opportunities

In partial fulfillment of the Global Connections class, James River College students will participate in an intercultural experience of their choice. 

This year, we have a James River College exclusive trip to El Salvador! We will be serving AGWM Pastors Kenton and Eunice Moody, lead pastors of La Puerta Abierta (The Open Door Church) in beautiful El Salvador!  We will work in various ways, including compassion outreaches, children’s ministry, and rural evangelism!  We will be helping with church services and construction projects as well!

Click below for more information on James River College Trips or other trips through James River Church!